My Trip

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Quick overview for your trip

Entry permit required for one travel destination
Destination: country flag USA (Transit)
Passport required for all travel destinations
No visa required
No mandatory vaccinations required
No travel health insurance required
The overview serves as a first point of reference. Please also take note of the relevant details. Different regulations may apply depending on the type of business trip. If you have more than one transit taking place in a country not listed here, please check the regulations for the unlisted transit yourself.

Your travel itinerary

Transit: USA (MIA) Updated

Important changes that need your attention

Please note the changes in the following areas:

Required entry forms and documents alert icon


Visa required for transit: No

There are no known restrictions.


Entry permit required for transit: Yes

For transit through the USA, registration via the Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) is required.
Caution: Travellers who in the past (after 1 March 2011) have visited one of the following countries are excluded from the Visa Waiver Program / ESTA registration process and must apply for a visa at the competent US mission abroad: Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen. This also applies to travel to Cuba after 12 January 2021.

Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA)


Passport required for transit: Yes

The passport must be valid for the duration of the stay.
The passport must be valid for the duration of the stay. It must be a biometric passport.
Transit travellers should note that the destination country may require a different minimum validity of travel documents than the transit airport.

Sao Paulo, Brazil Updated

Entry from: France

Important changes that need your attention

Please note the changes in the following areas:

  • Money
  • Local criminal laws

Sao Paulo, Brazil Country image

Entry information

Entry documents Sufficient Notes
Passport sufficient Yes

A passport is sufficient for entry. The passport must have a remaining validity of 6 months at the start of the journey.

Temporary passport sufficient Yes

A temporary passport is sufficient for entry. The temporary passport must have a remaining validity of 6 months at the start of the journey.

Identity card sufficient ! No

An identity card is not sufficient for entry.

Temporary identity card sufficient ! No

A temporary ID is not sufficient for entry.

Open all entries

Entry requirements


Entry generally permitted: Yes

Entry is generally permitted.

Additional information on entry

In some countries, border officials may require travellers to hand over social media usernames and passwords. In addition, the use of certain applications, apps or VPN services may be prohibited.

Required entry forms and documents


Visa required for stay: No

No visa is required for the stay.

A visa is not required for stays of 90 days or less.
For visa-free entry, in addition to a valid return ticket, proof of sufficient financial means and, in the case of accommodation in a private residence, a notarised letter of invitation must be presented.
Information regarding the need for a business travel visa refers to the following travel purposes: visits to customers or suppliers, meetings, research trips, negotiations, visits to trade fairs and exhibitions, participation in professional conferences or seminars. For activities beyond those mentioned, different regulations may apply, which can be obtained from a specialized visa service provider or the competent mission abroad.


Entry permit required for stay: No

There are no known restrictions.

Remarks on Travel Documents

Identity documents must not be dirty or damaged and must have sufficient blank pages. Travellers should ensure that their passport is stamped correctly, otherwise they may encounter difficulties when leaving the country. Please also note that if identity documents are reported stolen or lost, there may be problems crossing the border or even being refused entry. The requirements for identity documents may vary depending on the carrier, so it is advisable to check with the operating carrier before travelling.

Extension of stay

For stays exceeding the approved period, the corresponding permit must be applied for at the Federal Police. However, the total stay may not exceed 180 days per year.
Travellers should ensure they do not exceed the permitted length of stay in the destination country in order to avoid possible sanctions such as fines, custody pending deportation or even entry bans.

Customs and immigration regulations

Local and foreign currencies

Local and foreign currency may be imported without limit. If the equivalent value exceeds BRL 10,000, it must be declared upon entry.
The possession and bringing in of counterfeit money is punishable by heavy fines.

Prohibited and restricted items

The importation of food and drugs as well as the re-importation of alcoholic beverages from Brazil is strictly prohibited. Plants and animals can only be imported under strict conditions.
The import of weapons requires a licence issued in advance by the Brazilian Ministry of Defence.
The import and export of protected animal and plant species and products thereof is strictly regulated under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. An import or export therefore requires explicit authorisation in order to avoid confiscation and penalties. Further information can be obtained from the local customs authorities of the country of departure or destination.

Text of the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species


The importation of certain medicines (including prescribed medicines) may be subject to conditions or prohibited altogether. This applies in particular to opiates, painkillers and psychotropic drugs. Lists of possibly prohibited substances are available on the website of the International Narcotics Control Board or from the respective local authorities. In principle, however, only the embassy, consulate and/or national customs office can provide reliable information on which rules and regulations currently apply in the destination country. Travellers taking medicines with them are generally advised to carry a multilingual medical certificate containing information on individual and daily dosages as well as the medical ingredients.

Country Regulations for Travellers Carrying Medicines Containing Controlled Substances

Additional information

Detailed information on import regulations can be found on this website.

Brazilian Ministry of Economics

Travellers are advised to inform themselves about the most recent customs/import regulations of their destination country at the competent mission abroad prior to departure.

Minors and dual citizens

Notes for dual citizens

Notes for dual citizenship

Persons with dual nationality should note that the destination country may not recognize multiple nationalities. The right to consular assistance in the destination country is therefore not guaranteed, i.e. the embassy of the other country may only be able to offer limited or no protection in emergencies (including imprisonment). In addition, travellers may be obliged to perform military service due to national regulations.




Required immunizations: No

There are no known restrictions.


Recommended vaccinations: Yes

Travellers should ensure complete vaccination protection according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO):

WHO vaccination recommendations

In addition, the following vaccinations are recommended for the trip:
Hepatitis A
Yellow fever


Vaccination in case of special exposure: Yes

Dengue fever (especially mosquito bites)
Hepatitis B (especially sexual contact, needlestick injuries, invasive measures in health care)
Rabies (exposure risk: mainly injuries from infected animals)
Malaria prophylaxis

Vaccinations listed under "Special Exposure" require that travellers are exposed to a corresponding risk of disease transmission. As vaccinations can be associated with potential side effects and represent a cost factor, a risk-benefit assessment is required depending on the travel profile (travel route, travel duration), planned leisure activities (including camping, hiking in forested areas) and occupational activities (especially in hospitals and in agriculture and forestry).



Compulsory health insurance: No

It is generally advisable to take out travel health insurance, even if this is not required by the destination country.

Additional information

No reliable information is currently available.

Exit information

Exit requirements

Local and foreign currencies

Local and foreign currency may be exported without limit. If the equivalent value exceeds BRL 10,000, it must be declared on departure.

Prohibited and restricted items

There are no known specific restrictions with regard to export-restricted or prohibited goods.
The import and export of protected animal and plant species and products thereof is strictly regulated under the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. An import or export therefore requires explicit authorisation in order to avoid confiscation and penalties. Further information can be obtained from the local customs authorities of the country of departure or destination.

Text of the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

Additional information

There is no further information available regarding exit regulations.

Information regarding minors

No special provisions apply for minors.

More about the destination

Police Ambulance Fire brigade
Phone icon
Phone icon
Phone icon

Worth knowing

Capital city





Real (BRL)

Country calling code


Tipping etiquette

Restaurants and bars: Tips (10%) are included in most bills, but not obligatory. Bills are usually paid by card, so tips in cash are uncommon.
Hotels: A small tip for staff (equivalent to about US$1 to US$2) is customary.
Taxis: In metered taxis, the final amount is rounded up to the next even number, partly to avoid small change transactions.
Tour guides: Tips on city tours or boat trips are customary.

On-site representatives

Diplomatic missions

Under the following link you will find information on your diplomatic mission abroad:


Citizens of EU member states who do not have their own diplomatic representation in the destination country have the option of obtaining consular assistance from the embassy of another EU member state.

Embassies and foreign missions offer a wide range of services, although these may vary depending on the country and the specific situation.

Important tasks of embassies and consulates:

Protection and support of nationals: they provide assistance in emergencies such as lost passports, accidents or natural disasters. The embassy can also offer support in cases of arrest or imprisonment abroad.
Visas and entry information: Embassies are often responsible for issuing visas and provide information on entry requirements, which may vary depending on the country of destination and origin.
Travel documents: If a passport is lost or stolen, the embassy can issue replacement documents to allow travellers to return home.
Emergency assistance: In crisis situations (such as political unrest or natural disasters), embassies and consulates provide evacuation assistance and safety advice.
Citizen services: Embassies offer services such as the legalisation of documents, the registration of births abroad or assistance with legal matters.

What embassies and consulates cannot provide:

Legal advice and legal representation: embassies cannot offer legal advice or provide legal representation in court. However, they can provide lists of local lawyers.
Financial assistance: As a rule, embassies cannot provide financial assistance or cover travel and accommodation costs, except in very specific emergencies.
Interference in the judiciary of a host country: Embassies cannot interfere with the host country's judicial system or influence its decisions.
Assistance for persons with dual citizenship: The right to consular assistance in the destination country can often not be guaranteed in this case, i.e. in emergencies (e.g. imprisonment) embassies or diplomatic missions abroad may only be able to provide limited assistance or none at all.
Issuing work permits: The issuing of work permits and residence permits is not the responsibility of the embassies, but is regulated by the authorities of the host country.

Practical tips for travellers:

Embassy contact details: Make a note of the contact details of your home country's embassy in the country you are travelling to before you leave. This information can be very valuable in an emergency.
Copies of important documents: Make copies of your passport, visa and other important documents. Keep these separate from the originals.
Informed travelling: Before travelling, find out about the political, social and economic conditions in the host country and observe travel warnings and instructions. Use crisis early warning systems from experienced service providers such as A3M Global Monitoring.

National tourism board


Speed limit in town

The maximum speeds listed below apply unless otherwise indicated by appropriate signs.

The speed limit in built-up areas is 60 km/h.
A maximum speed limit of 30 km/h applies within inhabited neighbourhoods.
A maximum speed of 40 km/h applies on roads leading to speed ways.

Speed limit out of town

In non-urban areas, the speed limit is 60 km/h.

Speed limit expressway

A speed limit of 80 km/h applies on expressways.

Speed limit freeway

On motorways with only one lane at a time, the speed limit is 100 km/h.

Alcohol limit

A blood alcohol limit of 0.0 applies in the country.

Additional information

Right-hand traffic applies in Brazil.

Money Updated


Cash withdrawal with credit card possible: Yes

Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs using conventional credit cards.


Cash withdrawal with debit cards possible: Yes

Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs using foreign debit cards.


Credit card payment: Yes

Payments with conventional credit cards are widely accepted.

Mobile payment methods Updated

Mobile payment methods are becoming more and more common for daily use. International providers include Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and PayPal.

Additional information

When using credit cards in shops or at ATMs, card data can be tapped via manipulated readers (skimming). In the event of card loss or theft, as well as suspected cases of fraud or misuse, travellers should carry their bank's contact details with them (service number, app/online access) so that security measures, such as card blocking, can be initiated as quickly as possible.

Travellers are advised to contact their financial institution before travelling abroad to find out about possible restrictions on payments/cash withdrawals and alternative money supply options in their destination country.

American Express credit cards are often rarely if ever accepted outside the USA.

Local criminal laws Updated

Local criminal laws Updated

An identity document must always be carried. Penalties may be imposed if travellers are unable to present a valid identity document during checks.
Photographs of children and young people in swimwear on Brazilian beaches should be avoided. Photographing these groups of people has led to official action in the past.
Smoking cigarettes in public places is prohibited and punishable by law. Travellers are encouraged to go to designated areas where smoking is not prohibited.
Electronic cigarettes and other vaping devices and their accessories have been banned in Brazil since May 2024.
There is a strict ban on nudity when bathing and sunbathing in public areas. This applies in particular to the exposure of the upper body for women, and in general to the visibility of intimate areas for both sexes. Violations are punishable by law.
Changing clothes on the beach or in other public places can also be penalised.
Collecting and damaging protected animal and plant species is strictly prohibited and will be penalised accordingly.

Political activities, such as participation in political demonstrations or rallies, are prohibited for travellers and may be punished.
Drug law offences (including drug possession/trafficking/consumption) are punishable and may incur very severe penalties. Long prison sentences can be expected.

Visiting indigenous protected areas without authorisation is illegal.
The possession of weapons is punishable by law and/or only permitted with authorisation.

Please note: Entry requirements may change at short notice or individual exceptions may occur. Only the responsible diplomatic mission abroad can therefore make legally binding statements or provide information beyond the information listed here.

For more detailed information and queries, please contact your travel sales office: